The whole range of labor relations, corporate law and conflict resolution

The labor legislation of the Russian Federation establishes and regulates the relationship between an employer and an employee, reserving for each of the parties the right to legally protect and defend their interests. The resolution of labor disputes usually takes place within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Constitution and some other regulatory legal acts.
You can personally verify the competence of the company's employees by contacting one of our professionals and clarifying your questions.
Opening hours: Mon.-Fri. 09:00-18:00
Moscow, 2 Bolshaya Polyanka str., p. 2

Resolution of individual and collective labor disputes

  • An attempt at voluntary reconciliation between the employer and the employee in the process of their personal meeting or meeting of legal representatives. If a consensus can be reached as a result of the discussion, the following stages of dispute resolution become inappropriate. If it was not possible to reach a consensus, the dispute is postponed to the next stage.

  • The second stage is an appeal to the labor dispute resolution commission. The commission has a seal, as well as the authority to conduct the necessary investigations and proceedings at the expense of the employer. After considering the arguments of the parties, the commission determines the legality of the actions and requirements of each of the parties, making a reasoned decision.

  • The involvement of intermediaries who, by virtue of their powers, can lead the parties to a compromise. The mediator may use any methods and methods that do not contradict the current legislation to resolve the conflict. The best option is to find a solution that would be beneficial for both sides.

  • The last instance is the court. It is important to remember that the basis for considering a labor dispute in court is not only the disagreement of one of the parties with the decision, but also obvious violations of the law when considering the conflict by members of the labor commission.

  • Labor arbitration, created both from representatives of the employer and a team of employees, as well as authorized state bodies.

  • The conflict situation is considered by the members of a special conciliation commission, which is created for a short period of time precisely to resolve the labor dispute that has arisen.

Our policy

  • Our motto is result-oriented, complete confidentiality and attention to customer needs.
  • Our team consists of competent lawyers and lawyers with a narrow specialization, united by a common idea.
  • Our mission is to defend the interests of the client by any means that do not go beyond the legal field.
  • Our strengths are a stable level of professionalism, studying judicial practice and changes in legislation, generalizing the experience of colleagues and constantly expanding the range of services.

The stages of our interaction

Your message to us with a description of the issue
Opening hours: Mon - Fri. 09:00-18:00
Assignment of a legal consultant to you by the secretary of the expert department.
The specialist determines the form of necessary assistance and advice on the issue you are interested in.
Conclusion of the contract and provision of the service within the agreed time frame.

Contact us


Address: Maly Gnezdnikovsky Lane, 12

Moscow, 125009

Prime Alta LLC
INN 7706443568
KPP 770601001
OGRN 5167746280719 from 31.10.2016